This Perl MySQL section shows you how to interact with MySQL by using Perl DBI API for connecting to and disconnecting from MySQL databases, creating tables, handling data, and managing transactions.
You should have a fundamental knowledge of Perl programming to start with this Perl MySQL tutorial section. If you want to review your Perl knowledge as a refresher, please check it out Perl tutorial before going forward with this section.
Perl MySQL Connect
This tutorial shows you how to connect to and disconnect from a MySQL database by using Perl DBI module.
Perl MySQL Create Table
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create new tables in a MySQL database by using Perl DBI API.
Perl MySQL Insert Data
In this tutorial, we will show you step by step how to insert data into a table by using Perl DBI.
Perl MySQL Transaction
In this tutorial, you will learn how to handle database transaction using Perl DBI API to ensure the data integrity of the data.
Perl MySQL Select Data
In this tutorial, we will show you various ways to query data from MySQL database tables using Perl DBI.
Perl MySQL Update Data
This tutorial shows you step by step how to update data in MySQL table by using the prepared statement in Perl DBI.
Perl MySQL Delete Data
This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to use Perl DBI to delete data in a MySQL database table.