In this section, you will learn how to interact with MySQL using the PHP Data Objects or PDO.
The PDO is a data-access abstraction layer. PDO is a PHP extension that provides a lightweight and consistent interface for interacting with any database, including MySQL.
This tutorial assumes that you have basic PHP knowledge. If you want to learn PHP, check out the PHP tutorial.

Section 1. Connecting to MySQL
- Connecting to MySQL Database – show you how to connect to a MySQL database server using the PDO object.
Section 2. Creating Tables
- Creating a New Table – show you step by step how to create a table in MySQL using PDO
Section 3. Basic Operations: CRUD
- Querying Data – guide you on how to query data from MySQL database using PHP PDO and show you how to use PDO prepared statement to select data from a table.
- Inserting Data Into a Table – show you how to use PHP to insert data into MySQL a table.
- Updating Data – show you how to update data in a MySQL table using a PHP PDO prepared statement.
- Deleting Data – learn how to delete data from the MySQL database table using PHP PDO.
Section 4. Calling Stored Procedures
- Calling MySQL Stored Procedures – show you how to call MySQL stored procedures using PHP PDO. It guides you on how to call stored procedures that return result sets and stored procedures that accept input/output parameters.
Section 5. Managing Transactions
- Dealing with transactions – show you how to handle MySQL transactions in PHP to ensure the data integrity of databases.
Section 6. Working with BLOB
- Manipulating BLOB – show you how to handle BLOB data using PDO, including inserting, updating, and selecting BLOB data from the MySQL database.